
The 11 most-read articles in 2022

Which articles by Maritime Professionals, have you read, clicked on, and spent the most time with? See the 11 most-read articles of 2022, reflecting on what we went through in the maritime & shipping industry.


In what is becoming to look like a new year’s tradition, before we wrap up another year, we went back and looked at what articles you, our dear readers, were most captivated by in 2022.

2022 was a chaotic year filled with amazing projects in the maritime & shipping industry, filled with the unfortunate situation in Ukraine which has caused a lot of uncertainty to global markets, filled with a big shortage of a skilled workforce in the industry and filled with the eagerness of our readership to learn something new. All of this is reflected in our overview of the most read articles of 2022.

We hereby invite you to go have a look at Maritime Professionals most-read articles of 2022 and refresh your memory on the year that has passed.

11. The most remote place on Earth

At more than 1,000 miles from civilization in all directions, Point Nemo is The Most Remote Location On Planet Earth. It is named after the famous submarine sailor from Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. This remote oceanic location is located at coordinates 48°52.6′S 123°23.6′W, about 2,688 kilometers from the nearest land. The closest humans to Point Nemo are the astronauts in the International Space Station, who fly just under 400 km above.

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10. LinkedIn recognizes Maritime Professionals

Did you know there are more than 830 million members on LinkedIn, making it the world’s largest professional network? However, the question is how do you engage with relevant and meaningful connections? This is the reason why the Maritime Professionals group was created back in 2008 by Jakob le Fevre. Affiliated to the maritime recruitment company MARPRO, Maritime Professionals started to be a maritime portal only broadcasting maritime articles. Today it’s a whole universe broadcasting the latest maritime news and trends, presenting maritime start-ups and scaleups, connecting employees with employers, and communicating networking events.

Related article:

9. How does the war in Ukraine impact trade?

The grain trade, container transport and the world economy will be affected by Russia’s war on Ukraine, according to new analysis by The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. UNCTAD, a permanent intergovernmental body established by the UN in 1964, has carried out a “rapid assessment” of the war’s impact on trade and development. It shows a “rapidly worsening” outlook for the world economy, “underpinned” by rising food, fuel and fertilizer prices. “The war in Ukraine has a huge cost in human suffering and is sending shocks through the world economy”.

Related article:

8. What is happening with P&O Ferries?

NI Ferry Site shares with MARPRO readers the situation with the P&O Ferries. Most freight and passenger P&O Ferries services remain suspended with bookings not being taken for services. The suspension began ahead of the majority of the company’s crew, some 800 people, being made ‘redundant’ without notice back in March. P&O Ferries states that the changes are needed to make the company viable.

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7. Drones to deliver gear offshore

If a technician in an offshore wind turbine lacks a tool or other equipment during service work, it will today be sailed to the mill with a smaller service ship. This process is both expensive, time-consuming, and environmentally intensive, which is why the partners in the new innovation project FOD4Wind will look at whether the ships can be replaced by drones provided by the start-up company Upteko.

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6. How can the maritime industry prevent cocaine smuggling?

There are many places where packages of drugs are hidden directly on board vessels. This includes crew accommodation, storage areas, machinery, hidden compartments and places below the waterline such as sea chests, overboard openings, bilge keels, rudder trunking, exposed thrusters, gratings and propeller regions.  Divers are regularly used to weld pods containing drugs onto the hulls of vessels. Recent cases have involved these pods or ‘narco- torpedoes’ being held in place by powerful magnets.

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5. Unemployment in Denmark at historic low

New figures from Statistics Denmark show that from October to November 2021, the unemployment rate fell from 3.0 % to 2.8%, which is a decline of 0.2%. This is the lowest number since November 2008. In numbers, that means that there are around 80.600 able-bodied people in Denmark, out of work. Since the corona pandemic broke out, unemployment rate has fallen by 23.000. As more people have found jobs in the recent months, the unemployment rate is down to a historically low level.

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4. Probably the best summer job in Maritime

This blog of the week was written by Jakob le Fevre, managing director at MARPRO, revealing his sailing adventures at the Canal Tours in Copenhagen. The story starts back in 1996, when Jakob got his dream job at the Canal Tours of Copenhagen. A job far away from the books, exposed to sun and salty water all day.

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3. What concerns maritime leaders in 2022?

The fifth annual Global Maritime Issues Monitor reveals that senior maritime decision-makers believe the maritime industry will be most impacted by the decarbonization of shipping and new environmental regulations in the next decade. At the same time, geopolitical issues and workforce and skill shortages rise in prominence as an area of concern.

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2. The world’s busiest shipping routes

To understand why specific shipping routes get more crowded than others and what that means for their economy, safety, and security, it’s essential to understand a little bit more about the world of shipping and trade. To find out which are the world’s busiest shipping routes and why they have got such a fame, you need to click the following link.

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1. Workforce shortage keeps shipping CEOs awake at night

According to a survey carried out by Danish Shipping, in which top managers in shipping companies have responded, 8 out of 10 top managers are ready to hire more people to their workforce, but new employees are hard to find. Of the 7,000 Danish companies asked, 58% have had to give up filling positions within the past year. The consequences have been longer hiring times, searching in vain, giving up filling positions, and turning down orders due to a lack of employees.

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    For MARPRO Maritime Professionals this year has been a very busy year. Now this year is drawing to a close, and we are grateful that our platform and newsletter are the preferred places for so many maritime professionals, and that trustworthy external platforms such as LinkedIn award our LinkedIn group, as one of their most engaging groups.

    But most of all, we want to thank you for your support and for being part of this great community. Looking ahead to 2023, we believe it will be a great year with many activities, and we will be ready to inform you on the latest news, the most attractive jobs, and the most relevant events.

    Warmest wishes,


    Article shared by courtesy of Narjiss Ghajour, Event & Marketing Manager at MARPRO, a recruitment company for the maritime industry for onshore personnel. Read more about MARPRO.

    Please contact her for a Maritime & Shipping event partnership.

    See more relevant articles by MARPRO here.

    Narjiss Ghajour

    Editor-in-Chief of Maritime Professionals
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