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How do crew changes work?

Crew Changes - A Comprehensive Guide


The UK Club has been working with over 200 members of our correspondents network to produce a comprehensive document that outlines challenges and changes for crew changes in ports.

The document is structured to answer 4 simple questions:

  1. Are routine crew changes permitted in your port?
  2. If they are allowed, are there any restrictions in do so? (e.g. Mandatory COVID-19 tests, quarantine requirements etc.).
  3. Are crewmembers that are either sick or injured permitted to be disembarked in your port?
  4. If they are allowed, are there any restrictions in doing so? (e.g. Mandatory COVID-19 tests, quarantine requirements etc.)

Download Crew Changes – A comprehensive guide

This information is shared by courtesy of the UK P&I Club. The document will be updated regularly here when the situation changes and the Club hopes Members will find it invaluable when liaising with charterers and local agents for planning crew changes. The document is easy to navigate by using the simple A-Z index at the front.

Narjiss Ghajour

Editor-in-Chief of Maritime Professionals


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