Cargo Care Solutions commits to sustainability
As its global operations thrive, leadingmaritime supplier Cargo Care Solutions announces plans for a new headquarterswith a strong commitment to sustainability
At the core of the plans is therenovation of a 1930s industrial warehouse located in PIER14, a premiernautical and maritime business site in Zwijndrecht, alongside the Oude Maas. Bychoosing to renovate the old warehouse, Cargo Care Solutions is demonstrating asustainable approach by reusing the existing structure and by also planning toinstall energy-efficient systems.
“This new facility provides us with the spaceand resources we need to continue our growth and better serve our customers,”says Peter Peltenburg, CEO of Cargo Care Solutions. “It offers more space fortesting, research, and development, allowing us to invest in new technologiesand continue to innovate. Moreover, it aligns perfectly with our ambition toset new standards for sustainability.’
“It offers more space for testing, research, anddevelopment, allowing us to invest in new technologies and continue toinnovate. Moreover, it aligns perfectly with our ambition to set new standardsfor sustainability.”
The architectural plans for the Cargo CareSolutions headquarters promote green architecture by reducing negativeenvironmental impact, using energy and resources efficiently, and promoting theuse of renewable energy. The plans call for keeping such original elements fromthe 1930s warehouse as antique sliding doors and skylights while alsoinstalling solar panels to generate clean energy. Within the original warehousestructure, new purpose-built areas will include a research and developmentoffice, a test center, and space for the company’s hydraulics operations.
In addition to renovating the old 3,500 square meter warehouse, CargoCare Solutions will also use green building technologies to construct anadjacent brand-new, 1,000 square meter, state-of-the-art office. The newbuilding’s architectural plans include passive solar design for the windowedwalls and a green roof whose vegetative layer can reduce energy use and airpollution.
A strong interest in innovation and the waterfront led Cargo Care Solutions tothis particular site for their new global headquarters. The 1930s warehouse wasoriginally the headquarters for building materials innovator Schokbeton,which patented a system for prefabricating reinforced concrete buildingcomponents. The building is located along the Oude Maas, a river branch of the Maas that runs throughRotterdam. Approximately 150,000 ships—from cargo ships to pleasure boats—sailon the Oude Maas each year, part of the busy shipping routes in theRhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta. The river is an important connection for inlandvessels sailing to and from Rotterdam, Dordrecht, and the hinterland.
Founded nearly 40 years ago, the Netherlands-based Cargo Care Solutions hasgrown steadily to include locations in Houston, China, and other global portswhere it provides cargo access equipment services to its worldwide clientele.
“With our new headquarters we are demonstrating our commitment to environmentalstewardship and innovation,” says Peter Peltenburg. Cargo Care Solutions expectsto finalise design plans and break ground in early 2025, with a move-in date inthe second quarter of 2026.
On behalf of Cargo Care Solutions, MARPRO Group is seeking candidates for various positions. Click here to find them all