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Avoid bullying and harassment onboard


New recommendations are being introduced to promote a safer and psychologically secure working environment on Danish-flagged ships.

These guidelines, presented today at Danish Shipping’s Blue Pride Bar, will be handed over to the Minister of Industry, Business, and Financial Affairs, Morten Bødskov.

Harassment and bullying are unacceptable, regardless of one’s gender, ethnicity, religion, or whether one works on water or land.

In January 2024, Bødskov announced measures to tackle bullying and harassment onboard Danish vessels.

One key initiative is the introduction of best practice recommendations, including whistleblower systems and complaint procedures, developed by Danish Shipping, member companies, Metal Maritime, and the Danish Engineers’ Association.

Everyone should be able to go to work safely, whether at sea or on land. We owe that to everyone.

“Harassment and bullying are unacceptable, regardless of one’s gender, ethnicity, religion, or whether one works on water or land. It should be common sense for any adult that it must be safe to go to work,” said Bødskov.

The recommendations focus on three key areas:

  • Leadership commitment
  • Addressing challenges through training
  • Regular monitoring and reporting

These guidelines are designed to foster a healthy and inclusive work environment, ensuring that shipping companies can protect their employees and attract new talent.

“The new guidelines are intended to help create the framework to address the problem that unfortunately still exists onboard some ships. First and foremost, I hope that they will be a benefit for the employees onboard.” said Lars Have Hansen, Chairman of the Danish Engineer’s Association.

See Danish Shipping’s Best Practice Recom­men­da­tions here.

Read full article here.

For more articles about bullying and harassment in the maritime industry, click here.


Narjiss Ghajour

Editor-in-Chief of Maritime Professionals
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