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Bright days ahead for container shipping safety

From regulators, insurers and ship owners, a collective demand for innovation for container ship safety has emerged. Consilium Safety Group is preparing to answer this call with a product that will enter the market in 2025.


Almost every shirt we wear, and every gadget we use has made a journey across the seas.

These colourful containers move more than 90 per cent of global trade. Capable of carrying over 24,000 containers, today´s ships carry an incredible 1500 percent more containers than in the late 1960s.

Yet, as these ships swell in size, now stretching to the lengths of four football fields, they carry not just cargo but a potential risk of fire. A peril that grows with every container added to their load.

“The expansion of container transportation is undeniable,” states Thobias Ernfridsson, the Chief Technology Officer at Consilium Safety Group, “and with it, the risk of fire escalates, posing a significant threat to goods, ships, and more importantly, human lives and the environment.”

A stark reality

This recognition is echoed in the stark figures of the 2023 Cargosafe study, commissioned by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), which highlights the potential risk associated with the median operation of these ships.

Yet, as these ships swell in size, now stretching to the lengths of four football fields, they carry not just cargo but a potential risk of fire.

The study shows a ship faces potential losses including fatalities, cargo, the ship itself, environmental damage, and salvage costs. As insurance premiums for container shipping rise by 55 per cent, reflecting the increased risks of fire and cargo loss, the industry is at a crossroads.

“With the values aboard these vessels soaring, insurance costs can account for the third highest operational expense, after fuel and crew,” Ernfridsson explains.

Innovation at the helm

In the wake of disaster, innovation often follows, spurred by necessity and the collective will for change.

This sentiment is echoed across the industry, from insurance companies and ship owners to ports and suppliers, all recognizing the need for a more digital and AI-driven approach to early detection and fire prevention.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has responded with plans to introduce new fire safety regulations by January 2028.

The revolutionary TMS technology

At the heart of Consilium Safety Group’s response to this call is the strategic acquisition of Radicos, a vanguard in linear heat detection. The acquisition has birthed the innovation of a Temperature Monitoring System (TMS).

In the wake of disaster, innovation often follows, spurred by necessity and the collective will for change.

TMS represents a fundamental shift in how fire safety is approached at sea. Leveraging a sophisticated network of sensors to monitor for the slightest anomalies in temperature that could indicate a possible fire. Promises early detection of fire risks, potentially saving lives, cargo, and ships from disaster.

“This solution allows quick tracing if for instance, one container is at 18 degrees Celsius, and the adjacent one is 35 degrees Celsius. Using our safety management system software, SMiG, operators receive valuable information when a conflicting pattern is identified. With this solution, incidents are detected in an early stage, even at ambient temperatures.” highlights Thobias Ernfridsson.

Read further:

For more articles about fire safety, click here.


Narjiss Ghajour

Editor-in-Chief of Maritime Professionals
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