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Survive where others die

Groundbreaking leadership books strengthens maritime leaders’ abilities to handle acute critical situations – before, during and after.


According to the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), a total of 2,510 critical incidents were reported on board ships in 2022. The number of severe and very severe injuries recorded in the same year was 656, and there were 38 fatalities. Despite the numerous risks at sea, only a few maritime leaders are adequately trained to handle acute critical situations. Now, two manualized leadership books on emergencies on board ships are being released.

Psychologists Ivan Doulgerof and Frank Lamberg Nielsen are the authors of these two manualized leadership books about Emergency Preparedness. One book is aimed at navigators, while the other is aimed at marine engineers. Both psychologists have operational leadership backgrounds and experience in managing acute critical situations in operational environments.

Knowledge of and insight into operational leadership and psychology are important prerequisites for effectively handling of acute critical situations in operational contexts – before, during and after,” says Ivan Doulgerof, a former chief psychologist in the Danish Red Cross and Major Army Reserve.

Co-author Frank Lamberg Nielsen, who himself is a Master Mariner graduate and former First Lieutenant Army Reserve, adds: “Seafarers represent a special group of people who must perform special tasks under special conditions in environments characterized by a certain degree of unpredictability and risks. Maritime leaders should, of course, be specially equipped to handle emergencies that may arise on board”.

The books provide clear and practical guidance for anyone working in operational working environments where the risk of acute critical situations is always present. Throughout the manualized leadership books, the authors provide concentrated and easily readable knowledge about operational leadership. The step-by-step approach is both structured and coherent, with operational psychology being a common thread in both books.

According to Jeppe Carstensen, Head of Training at Svendborg International Maritime Academy (SIMAC) in Svendborg, “Every instruction, from personal insight, to regaining self-control and leading others in acute critical situations, as well as handling the consequences of emergencies, is both solid and directly applicable“. Jeppe Carstensen continues: “The two books are innovative in their form. The authors address the reader directly and the operational leadership instructions are manualized, step-by-step. The content ought to be a regular part of the curriculum of all types of maritime educations and Crew Resource Management training courses“.

For more than two decades, the psychologists have worked closely with operational leaders. They have designed highly specialized Human Factor and Team Enhancement programs for one of the world’s largest training organizations. Additionally, they have developed a range of integrated training programs aimed at operational leaders. The psychologists have consultancy agreements with companies such as Maersk Training A/S and SIMAC where they provide external consultancy services in relation to leadership selection, operational leadership training, Human Factor assessments, piracy and hostage-taking.

The books “The Bridge Emergency Preparedness Manual – An Operational Leadership Perspective” and “The Engine Room Emergency Preparedness Manual – An Operational Leadership Perspective” will be launched on the 31st of May 2024 during the European Commission’s annual stakeholder conference European Maritime Days, which this year will be held at SIMAC in Svendborg. The operational leadership books, which can be purchased through SIMAC, are published in English and the content complies with IMO Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW).

This article is shared by courtesy of Svendborg International Maritime Academy (SIMAC)

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Narjiss Ghajour

Editor-in-Chief of Maritime Professionals
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