EU needs to invest in green fuels
This week, Torben Carlsen, CEO of DFDS and chairman of Danish Shipping participates in the European Shipping Summit 2023 to bring Danish Shipping’s priorities forward to decision-makers in the EU institutions. Ambitious regulation and investments in the green transition of shipping is at the very top of the list of priorities.

With two days of technical workshops and stakeholder discussions, the European shipping industry will gather relevant regulators, politicians, and shipping executives to the EU Shipping Summit 2023.
Top management from Danish Shipping will together with a strong team of specialists from the organization be in Brussels to make sure Danish Shipping’s priorities are heard.
“The shipping industry stands at a defining juncture. From the Danish side, we have unfurled all our sails to achieve our goal of climate-neutral shipping by 2050. But shipping cannot do this alone. We need everyone to pull in the same direction and we need to invest in a greener future. That is my main message to all the participants in the EU Shipping Summit,” said Torben Carlsen, CEO of DFDS and chairman of Danish Shipping.
The two-day event includes engaging industry sessions, networking opportunities, and high-level dialogues around the key themes environment, people, and industry.
Wednesday, Torben Carlsen will participate in a high-level debate with Beatriz Yordi, Director, DG CLIMA, Karima Delli, Chair of the Transport Committee, European Parliament and William Todts, Executive Director, Transport & Environment.
The panel will among other things discuss the EU climate package ”Fit for 55” and how to turn the vision into reality.
“It is necessary for political authorities to consider the investment needs and gaps in the shipping sector. Fit for 55 stimulates both supply and demand, but it is crucial to get the price of green fuels down,” said Torben Carlsen.
“The green transition of shipping will require cooperation and massive investments both at sea and on land. It will be challenging, but of course greening shipping can be done,” said Torben Carlsen
See the full program here: European Shipping Summit 2023
This article is shared by Danish Shipping.
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