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The 44th edition of TheMotorship’s Propulsion & Future Fuels Conferencetakes place 21-23 November 2023 in Hamburg,Germany. The conference covers a range of topics withemphasis on the next steps to 2030 and 2050, and anin-depth analysis of ship operators’ future fuelconsiderations.

Propulsion & Future Fuels provides senior executiveswith a meeting place to learn, discuss, and shareknowledge of the latest developments in efficientpropulsion technology and low flashpoint, low carbonfuels. This year, the conference has key sessions onAmmonia, Methanol, Hydrogen, Retrofit and CarbonCapture.

Maersk’s Senior Project Manager, Christian Skoudal Løthjoins the Methanol session at Propulsion & Future Fuelsto deliver a presentation on Maersk’s coming fleet ofcontainer vessels sailing on Green Methanol.

Christian joined the Technical Department at Maersk in2009 working on various retrofit projects. Today heprimarily works on new-build projects and has beeninvolved in the proto-type installation of the MAN-ESEGR system on Maersk Cardiff, the 1st Tier III compliantEGR system on a Marine vessel. He is the Machinerylead on Maersk’s first 16,000 TEU container vesselssailing on green methanol, due to be delivered at thestart of 2024.

Learn and explore retrofit options with:

  • Alessandro Castagna, Sales Manager / NavalArchitect, Sales Department, Becker MarineSystems GmbH Becker Mewis Duct® and BeckerTwisted Fin®
  • Klaus Rasmussen, Head of Projects & PVU Sales -MAN PrimeServ, MAN Energy Solutions
  • Stam Achillas – Head of Business Development &Sales, 2-Stroke Decarbonisation Solutions, Wärtsilä,
  • Simone Bernasconi – Head of Global ProductLine Upgrades, Accelleron
  • Mark Penfold Technical Specialist, PowerGeneration, Lloyd’s Register

Stam Achilla, Wärtsilä, will be presenting “How enginepart load optimization can help improve profitabilitywhile contributing to CII compliance for merchantmarine vessels.” Mark Penfold, Lloyd’s Register will bedetailed findings of the new Engine RetrofitReport, addressing shipping’s carbon challenge throughthe technical analysis of retrofit options.

Propulsion & Future Fuels serves as a valuable platformfor industry professionals to stay updated on the latestadvancements and trends in the sector. Delegatescan gain insights into cutting-edge research, innovativesolutions, and best practices that can enhance theirknowledge and expertise in this field. Additionally,networking opportunities at the conference allowattendees to connect with like-minded individuals,exchange ideas, establish collaborations, and expandtheir professional network.

This article is shared by courtesy of The Motor Ships –

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